10th anniversary and 12 QuadW Missional Internship sites!

A,B,C,D,E...K,M,P,P,R,R,R,R. We know our ABCs, but did you know that we have 12 live QuadW Missional Internship sites and it's the QuadWMI's 10th anniversary!!!! Beloved being doers, y'all!

QuadWMI is made up of college interns who dedicate their time to serve among the poor and marginalized, connect the churches and their communities, and are being transformed into vibrant leaders sharing God's love. Sites currently exist in Anniston, AL, Birmingham, AL, Columbus, OH, Dallas, TX, Elkhart, IN, Kansas City, KS, Mobile, AL, Pine Bluff, AR, Portland, OR, Reading, PA, Riverside, CA and Riverton, WY.